How To Keep Green Onions Fresh (Simple Guide) 

how to keep green onions fresh

Green onion is one of the most popular ingredients in various dishes worldwide. It can be used fresh to season meats or add a spicy flavor to stews, soups, and sauces. Thankfully, green onions are easy to grow and readily available at most supermarkets. However, they store poorly at room temperature unlike their mature counterparts.   … Read more

When To Harvest Radishes (Easy-To-Follow Guide)

when to harvest radishes

Radishes are easy to grow at home. However, knowing when to harvest radishes can make a big difference between having a steady supply to throw into meals, or an inedible root you’ll have to throw away. Typically, radishes should be harvested within 28 to 60 days after sowing, depending on the variety and the temperature … Read more

How Long Do Fresh Eggs Last?

how long do fresh eggs last

Generally, fresh eggs can last up to 2 weeks if stored at room temperature or up to 3 months if refrigerated, with their protective coating still intact.  However, this time can vary considerably due to environmental temperature and how the eggs were handled before storage. In essence, the answer depends on several factors, including temperature … Read more

How Long Do Chickens Live?

how long do chickens live

To raise chickens on your micro-farm, you must consider several factors, including housing, breeds, and purpose.  However, one critical factor that is often overlooked is how long chickens live — it’s not as simple a question as you might think though.  For instance, chickens can live up to 10 years under ideal conditions, provided you … Read more

How To Grow Cabbage In 5 Simple Steps

how to grow cabbage

Cabbage is an excellent addition to any gardener’s patch. It is easy to grow, but it requires some knowledge and attention if you wish to enjoy a bountiful harvest. You have to sow some seeds, provide fertile soil, and sufficient water – then Voila! Is this really all it takes? Well, not exactly. You still … Read more

How Late Can You Plant Sunflowers? (Simple Guide)

how late can you plant sunflowers

Nothing says summertime like fields of gorgeous Sunflowers in bloom. They have been depicted in everything from movies to coloring books, and treasured by gardeners worldwide.  However, if you have already missed the late-Spring planting window, you might wonder how late can you plant sunflowers? Ideally, Sunflowers prefer warm weather, and for the latest, they … Read more

How To Harvest Sunflower Seeds (2 Simple Methods)

how to harvest sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are versatile culinary staples known for their high protein and healthy fat contents. They are easy to grow, with each plant producing hundreds of seeds suitable for use in various recipes.  With that said, Sunflowers themselves also make a stunning addition to any garden during “sunflower season,” which is typically between July and … Read more