Can Aloe Vera Grow Outside?

aloe vera plant growing in garden bed

Aloe Vera can grow outside, provided they receive sufficient light and suitable temperatures, ranging between 55°F and 80°F.  As a result, you will need to use containers and move your plants around when necessary, if you live in a cooler climates. However, with some planning you can grow healthy Aloe plants at home, regardless of … Read more

Can Humans Eat Grass?

can humans eat grass

A few years ago, the popularity of wheatgrass sparked much debate about whether humans can eat grass. Initially, this idea was difficult to digest. That is until I realized we have been doing so for years. Corn anyone? In fact, human beings can eat several varieties of grass and its products. However, for the most … Read more

How To Cut Lemongrass (Quick And Easy)

how to cut lemongrass

Lemongrass is a popular herb used in various Asian recipes. However, due to its fibrous stalk, it can be challenging to prepare. Thankfully, you can learn how to cut lemongrass properly within a couple of minutes. Basically, to cut lemongrass you’ll need locate the tender section of the stalk then cut it thinly, for use … Read more

4 Simple Ways To Dry Sage At Home

how to dry sage

Sage is a versatile plant that is often dried and used in various recipes, traditional medicines, and rituals.  It grows rapidly and must be pruned often to keep the plant healthy, resulting in more material than you can use at once. Thankfully, you can dry sage at home by air-drying or using several kitchen appliances, … Read more

5 Reasons Why Tomato Leaves Turn Yellow

tomato leaves turning yellow

After devoting hours of care and attention to growing your tomato plants, the last thing you want to see are their leaves turning yellow. Yet, this is a common problem that almost all tomato gardeners will encounter at some point. In light of this, the first thing you need to do is to stay calm. … Read more

How To Store Radishes (6 Simple Methods)

how to store radishes

Radishes are some of the easiest, beginner-friendly crops to grow since they are low maintenance and can survive most conditions.  Unfortunately, they have a short shelf-life, so it would be best to plan how to store your radishes before growing them or risk wasting your time and money. However, merely throwing your radishes onto the … Read more

Why Are My Cucumbers Yellow? (4 Main Causes)

why are my cucumbers yellow

Last year, my cousin came to me in a bit of a panic, trying to find out why her cucumbers were turning yellow.  Since she had no information on variety, planting time, or the like, we had to look at some usual causes. Besides the unique yellow varieties, most cucumbers become yellow as they ripen … Read more